The Wild Atlantic Way is a beautiful, rugged coastal drive stretching over 2,500km on the west coast of Ireland. It is the world’s longest coastal touring route and offers spectacular views of the West Coast, from Mizen Head in the south of the country, to Malin Head in the North.
O’Connor’s Bar and Guesthouse is located right on the Wild Atlantic Way, with stunning views of Brandon Bay. It is at a prime location to explore West Kerry’s contributions to the Wild Atlantic Way, including the Conor Pass, Fermoyle Beach, Brandon Point and Slea Head Drive.
Why not add O’Connor’s Guesthouse to your WAW Trip Planner?
Click on map to enlarge image or view full Failte Ireland Map here.
You can also view the official interactive Wild Atlantic Way map here.



O'Connor's Guesthouse,
Cloghane Holidays LTD
Main Street,
Co. Kerry,
V92 PV48


+353 66 7138113




+353 66 7138113

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